As change is the only constant, SDI is now available in version 2.0 which has a lot more options.

SDI is one of the world tools for individual and group profiling. What makes it different is that it looks at the motivation behind people’s actions and behaviors.



If results are your goal, let relationships be the glue. This is Relationship Intelligence or RQ.

Relationship Intelligence (RQ) helps team members learn to speak each other’s language and use their true strength at a given moment while remaining true to their core motives and values.

SDI 2.0 upgrades


This is a portal for your relationships with colleagues. You can share and compare strengths with them, seek advice on how to communicate more effectively, build teams and more. It helps in the continuous development of RQ and leads to continuous improvement of relationships and results, making your organization more fearless, innovative and productive.

SDI 2.0 questionnaire

The award-winning, scientifically validated Power Inventory 2.0 (SDI 2.0) provides you with four views: a motivational value system, conflict behavior, and a portrait of personal and excessive strength. It reveals why you do what you do and how you treat others. SDI 2.0 provides a common language for understanding what is important to the people around you and how you can collaborate more effectively.

Results through relationships

This training is held across a platform or live and with the aim of applying RQ (relationship intelligence) in a real work environment. When business investments are high and emotions are strong, participants acquire the skills needed to maintain relationships that help make better decisions to initiate business transformation.

Over the 40+ years, SDI has shaped better jobs for people around the world, transforming relationships in order to improve results.

SDI provides practical and direct solutions on how to:

support change management

improve teamwork and reduce silo effect

develop leaders

increase sales

improve customer service

strenghten relationships

manage conflict


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Trošak konflikta u organizaciji

Prema istraživanjima provedenim u različitim kompanijama diljem Europe i Amerike, zaposlenici u prosjeku izgube 2,8 sati tjedno na neprofitne konflikte. Shodno tome, izgubljena produktivnost i radno...

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Buzz about us


    "Gentisov angažman uvelike je pridonio razvoju Centra karijera Građevinskog fakulteta. Svakom našem projektu pristupali su profesionalno i posvećeno te su se u potpunosti prilagodili našim potrebama i baš iz tog razloga vjerujem da ćemo nastaviti uspješnu suradnju s Gentisom i u narednim projektima Centra karijera."

    - Lana Slavikonski, GRASP Centar Karijera


    "It is always a pleasure to work with Gentis on any of our projects. We always receive professional and prompt support. They are very flexible and always ready to help."

    - Regdon Adrienn, MOL


    "Gentis je pouzdan i efikasan poslovni partner koji je dokazao svoju dosljednost, temeljitost i fokus, izvrsnost te stručno znanje. S obzirom na raznovrsnost programa, trenera i i prije svega ne samo partnerski, već i prijateljski odnos, sigurni smo da kada se obratimo Gentisu, neći ćemo riješenje koje nam je najoptimalnije i najpotrebnije u datom trenutku."

    - Emina Sarač, RBA BiH


    "Kroz dugogodišnju suradnju s Gentisom, uvjerili smo se u njihov profesionalni pristup i iznimnu prilagodljivost specifičnim potrebama i zahtjevima koje smo imali. Iznimno smo zadovoljni suradnjom i stručnošću njihovih konzultanata. U svakom slučaju preporučujemo Gentis kao pouzdnog i vrijednog suradnika, s kojim planiramo raditi u budućnosti."

    - Blagica Petrović Šikić, Pliva HR

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