your companion on a journey of personal and professional development

We help you to find your direction and pave your unique path!

Recognize and motivate your people

Learn how to retain talents, connect your employees, motivate them to rely on each other and build mutual trust.

Grow with us

Achieve balance in your business and private life, use your talents and strengths effectively, encourage positive changes.

Together we discover a way to achieve what you want.

Every person is unique, and so is every organization. In Gentis, we pay a lot of attention to understanding the needs of our clients so we can jointly create optimal solutions for a particular organization or an individual at a given moment.

Our passion is people and their small, personal, daily victories in the process of personal growth and development.

We believe the organizational transformation is possible only through the transformation of individuals and that it is a journey, not the goal.

In order to help you, we remain authentic and side by side with you on a joint journey while respecting your uniqueness.

Organizational development

Transform your organization.


Discover and pave your unique path.


Empower leaders to empower your businesses.

Developmental workshops

Step into your path of development.

Developmental tools

Discover the potential of your employees.

The secret of success

As Dubravka, Gentis CEO, ‘had her fingers’ in perfecting the system and developing the employees in almost all large Croatian companies for more than 20 years, she is a valuable interlocutor even in informal situations. You will always hear the truth and only the truth from her and, although you may not always like what you hear at first, when you cool down a bit, rest assured you will call her again.

When was the last time someone truly listened to you?


Aim higher.

Light up your way.

Take on the challenge..

Buzz about us


    "Gentisov angažman uvelike je pridonio razvoju Centra karijera Građevinskog fakulteta. Svakom našem projektu pristupali su profesionalno i posvećeno te su se u potpunosti prilagodili našim potrebama i baš iz tog razloga vjerujem da ćemo nastaviti uspješnu suradnju s Gentisom i u narednim projektima Centra karijera."

    - Lana Slavikonski, GRASP Centar Karijera


    "It is always a pleasure to work with Gentis on any of our projects. We always receive professional and prompt support. They are very flexible and always ready to help."

    - Regdon Adrienn, MOL


    "Gentis je pouzdan i efikasan poslovni partner koji je dokazao svoju dosljednost, temeljitost i fokus, izvrsnost te stručno znanje. S obzirom na raznovrsnost programa, trenera i i prije svega ne samo partnerski, već i prijateljski odnos, sigurni smo da kada se obratimo Gentisu, neći ćemo riješenje koje nam je najoptimalnije i najpotrebnije u datom trenutku."

    - Emina Sarač, RBA BiH


    "Kroz dugogodišnju suradnju s Gentisom, uvjerili smo se u njihov profesionalni pristup i iznimnu prilagodljivost specifičnim potrebama i zahtjevima koje smo imali. Iznimno smo zadovoljni suradnjom i stručnošću njihovih konzultanata. U svakom slučaju preporučujemo Gentis kao pouzdnog i vrijednog suradnika, s kojim planiramo raditi u budućnosti."

    - Blagica Petrović Šikić, Pliva HR

Don’t wait any longer.

Step into your path today.

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