Assessment and Development Center
The Assessment and Development Center is a structured method of observing and evaluating participants in a controlled environment that provides insight into the level of competencies. It is used to assess potential candidates for a particular job or to guide the development of talented employees.
Did you know?
Research shows that top employees influence 40-80% more on an organization’s performance.
Talent management indicates an organizational commitment to retaining and developing top employees.
The most complex, but also the best method for identifying talents and their development needs is the CENTER OF ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT.
We have gained our experience in implementing the Center for Assessment and Development through 20+ years of work so far, and the methodology and exercises we use are licensed.

Before creating the Center, our consultants work with the client to better define his needs, understand the specifics of the industry, develop competencies if necessary, and agree on the desired results.

We approach every client individually, and we adapt the assessment and Development Center to the specific requirements of the company.
1. Defining purpose and criteria
2. Setting up the center and preparing the participants
3. Implementation of the Assessment and Development Center
4. Data analysis and reporting
The individual report contains assessments of competencies, qualitative results, an overview of strengths and areas for development as well as recommendations for further development.
Additional options
Individual feedback to the participants of the Center for Assessment and Development and implementation through the results of the report in order to understand and define possible steps for improvement.
Individual feedback to the participants of the Center for Assessment and Development and implementation through the results of the report in order to understand and define possible steps for improvement.
In order to adapt to virtual working conditions, reduce resource consumption and simplify and make the Center more accessible while maintaining the same quality of service, we have developed a VIRTUAL Center.
Our VIRTUAL Assessment and Development Center, as well as the ‘face to face’ one, offers the same range of activities, and the special feature is that people do not have to be physically in the same location but can participate from any part of the world if they have internet connection and computer access.
Gentisov VIRTUALNI Centar procjene i razvoja
Znate li da Gentis u svojoj ponudi ima i VIRTUALNI Centar procjene i razvoja? Da, svom dugogodišnjem iskustvu provođenja Centara procjene i razvoja, kroz koje je prošlo više od 1.500 sudionika,...