Everything is already in you, we encourage you to discover it

Recognize and motivate your people

You want sustainable growth and the right balance of flexibility and stability in terms of achievement and results. You understand that interpersonal relationships are the most important factor in building a successful organization. It is important for you to achieve cooperation and communication in all directions, attract and retain talents and maintain employee motivation and engagement at a high level.

Support your people and transform your organization! Our purpose is to make you and your organization effective and we are here to support you on your unique journey.

Grow with us

You have a vision of a better self, your team and the whole your environment. You function in a better way personally and as a company, and you achieve more with less. You use your talents and strengths effectively and live a balanced and fulfilled life. You are surrounded by engaged and motivated coworkers who share your vision, your meetings are effective and meaningful as is your communication and teamwork and the changes you implement have come to life…

This is possible – that’s how we see you! We will be happy to support you in realizing your vision and help you to tell your authentic story.

We focus entirely on achieving greater self-awareness and transforming the way we think and behave. We work on visible and internal drivers for long-term changes. A key element of our approach is helping clients discover and transform their paradigms to expand the impact they have.

Organizational development

Transform your organization.


Discover and pave your unique path.


Empower leaders to empower your businesses.

Developmental workshops

Step into your path of development.

”Where there is a way or path,
it is someone else’s path.

You are not on your own path.

If you follow someone else’s way,
you are not going to realize
your potential.”

― Joseph Campbell

Using our knowledge and experience, we adapt our solutions to the real needs and facilitate changes in organizations, teams and individuals.

We are able to offer all our services ONLINE in a way that the results are as effective as when held in person.


Trošak konflikta u organizaciji

Trošak konflikta u organizaciji

Prema istraživanjima provedenim u različitim kompanijama diljem Europe i Amerike, zaposlenici u prosjeku izgube 2,8 sati tjedno na neprofitne konflikte. Shodno tome, izgubljena produktivnost i radno...

Buzz about us


    "Gentisov angažman uvelike je pridonio razvoju Centra karijera Građevinskog fakulteta. Svakom našem projektu pristupali su profesionalno i posvećeno te su se u potpunosti prilagodili našim potrebama i baš iz tog razloga vjerujem da ćemo nastaviti uspješnu suradnju s Gentisom i u narednim projektima Centra karijera."

    - Lana Slavikonski, GRASP Centar Karijera


    "It is always a pleasure to work with Gentis on any of our projects. We always receive professional and prompt support. They are very flexible and always ready to help."

    - Regdon Adrienn, MOL


    "Gentis je pouzdan i efikasan poslovni partner koji je dokazao svoju dosljednost, temeljitost i fokus, izvrsnost te stručno znanje. S obzirom na raznovrsnost programa, trenera i i prije svega ne samo partnerski, već i prijateljski odnos, sigurni smo da kada se obratimo Gentisu, neći ćemo riješenje koje nam je najoptimalnije i najpotrebnije u datom trenutku."

    - Emina Sarač, RBA BiH


    "Kroz dugogodišnju suradnju s Gentisom, uvjerili smo se u njihov profesionalni pristup i iznimnu prilagodljivost specifičnim potrebama i zahtjevima koje smo imali. Iznimno smo zadovoljni suradnjom i stručnošću njihovih konzultanata. U svakom slučaju preporučujemo Gentis kao pouzdnog i vrijednog suradnika, s kojim planiramo raditi u budućnosti."

    - Blagica Petrović Šikić, Pliva HR

We have been opening up new approaches and views on things for years. We did it for the most successful Croatian and multinational companies – we can do it for you too.

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