Developmental Tools
In the process of personal and professional development, individualized tools are increasingly used to support the development process.
The tools can give us specific insights into certain aspects of personality and skill level, the difference between personal perception and the perception of co-workers, and can be a guide in achieving desired results faster.
During twenty years of work and due to meeting countless individualized needs of our clients, in our efforts to respond to all of them, Gentis has developed its platform for 360 Feedback Research as well as the Assessment and Development Center in online version.
360° Feedback
Build a culture of feedback
A&D Center
Keep your best employees
SDI 2.0
Strenghten your team
Disc flow
Get to know yourself better
Gentis 360° Feedback promotions
Svatko od nas je sigurno barem jednom u životu tragao za savršenim alatom za osobni razvoj, za koji smo bili spremni platiti puno novaca. No jesmo li svjesni da nam je jedan od najvrjednijih...
Using DISC Flow® assessment in an organization
Kamen temeljac svake uspješne organizacije su motivirani i angažirani zaposlenici. Međutim, pronaći pravi alat za osobni razvoj koji besprijekorno funkcionira sa svim različitim snagama i...
DISC Flow® activities by the end of 2022
Kako mi u Gentisu uvijek nastojimo biti što opremljeniji da bismo svojim klijentima mogli pružiti najbolju mogući podršku, tako se je od prošle godine na našem popisu našla i još jedna nova licenca...