DISC Flow® goes beyond where the traditional DISC model ends and by introducing the power of Emotional Intelligence, answers the question “how do I take this knowledge and apply it in the real world”?
DISC Flow® is truly unique.
More actionable,
more focused,
more user friendly,
and altogether more powerful.
The DISC Flow® model has been purposely designed to be simple to understand and easy to apply.
Applying the knowledge of DISC Flow® in the workplace is straightforward and its benefits can include:
developing more powerful leadership
building cohesive teams
strengthening teamwork
improving sales and customer service
enhancing communication and reducing conflicts
increasing employee engagement
…and many others…
DISC Flow® certification
Enhance Your Professional Skills
Get to know yourself better
Discover your strengths and opportunities for growth with actionable insights
Improve your organization
Drive and embed lasting changes at an individual, team and organisational level.
DISC Flow® Profiles
The DISC Flow® Core aims to provide a comprehensive explanation of a person’s behavioural style by identifying their DISC type and specific aspects of Emotional Intelligence (EI).
DISC Flow® Portrait is a simplified version of the Core report that describes the DISC only results of the respondent and provides a wealth of information and insights that will help a person develop their potential.
DISC Flow® Leader explores a person’s leadership style and focuses on their approach in managing group members with different DISC styles. The result is based on the 8 Leadership DISC styles and person’s level of Emotional Intelligence.
DISC Flow® Connect is a supplementary report that focuses on facilitating a better relationship between two people by exploring similarities and differences in their behavioural tendencies.
DISC Flow® Group is a supplementary report that focuses on finding balance in a group or team by looking at the general trend of behaviours and emotional intelligence among its members.
Have you known?
For all profiles, the assessment is filled out only once.
DISC Flow® profiles are among the most scientifically valid and reliable DISC based products on the market.
Our reports provide powerful insights and meaningful data to help people make more informed decisions and reach their true potential.
The DISC Flow® uniqueness comes from the combination of the tried-and-tested DISC model and the power of emotional intelligence, where the person’s level of emotional intelligence is assumed to be the factor which enables how well they control the behavioural tendencies typically associated with their DISC style.
The DISC model is a simple tool that’s been helping people to connect better for over thirty years.
Make it easier for your people to understand each other.
Use DISC Flow®.
Using DISC Flow® assessment in an organization
Kamen temeljac svake uspješne organizacije su motivirani i angažirani zaposlenici. Međutim, pronaći pravi alat za osobni razvoj koji besprijekorno funkcionira sa svim različitim snagama i...
DISC Flow® activities by the end of 2022
Kako mi u Gentisu uvijek nastojimo biti što opremljeniji da bismo svojim klijentima mogli pružiti najbolju mogući podršku, tako se je od prošle godine na našem popisu našla i još jedna nova licenca...
Summer spark 2022
Stiglo je vrijeme i za ovogodišnji, već tradicionalni, Summer spark. I ove, kao i svake godine u ljetnom periodu, kada sve nekako utihne u poslovnom svijetu, a priroda je puna obilja i samo nam...