Coaching unlocks a person’s potential to maximize their performance.
Did you know?
61% of clients say they are more satisfied with their job because of coaching.
Coaching can bring 529% return on investment and significant subtle benefits to the business.
The combination of training and coaching increases productivity by 88% compared to 23% with training only.
We have been in the business of individual coaching as well as coaching as a part of development programs for 20 years. We have also gained our experience working on leading HR positions of successful corporations such as Coca Cola and DHL..
As we truly love people, it is our pleasure to follow your change that is happening through coaching on the spot and to see you after each session coming one step closer to yourself.
We truly hear and see you. That is not our job, but our calling.
Individual coaching
Individual coaching takes place through continuous one-on-one meetings. The dynamics of these meetings depend on the goals that the person wants to achieve.
In coaching with a client, we usually focus on several areas or skills that the client wants to improve, on an action plan for achieving the desired changes and a support system for their implementation.
The client’s readiness for personal change and building a sincere relationship with the coach are preconditions for successful coaching.
Team coaching
In times of rapid change and reduced budgets, new ways for team learning and developing members’ skills are needed. Team coaching is certainly one of the answers to this challenge because it helps teams build their long-term skills and abilities so they can successfully, relying on their own resources, cope with new challenges in the future.
It is conducted in small groups, usually from six to eight people, who by their active participation in a number of meetings find the best solutions for their existing challenges.
Enjoy your coaching during a pleasant walk in the fresh air, in an environment that supports a different perspective and enhances the quality of thinking even more.
Walking in nature helps to silence our mind and make it easier to hear our inner voice that has the answers to all our questions.
Walking in nature helps to silence our mind and make it easier to hear our inner voice that has the answers to all our questions.
Out in nature, literally and figuratively, we move beyond our own world and trodden paths, enter new environments, pave new paths, see new views, discover new horizons and therefore find it easier to accept new experiences, attitudes and initiatives.
WEBINAR: Vještine budućnosti koje trebamo danas
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